Gambling Games of the Old West【電子書籍】[ G.R. Williamson ]
<p><strong>Gambling</strong> played a major role in the lives of the men that drove the western movement of Americans across the continent during the nineteenth century. Wherever there were men with money there was gambling. Saloons and gambling halls had a large array of games to entice customers to take a chance of walking out a winner - a very little chance.</p> <p>The soft slap of cards, the click of dice, and the rattle of a roulette wheel greeted players as they walked into the top saloons of the 1880's. But what were the games of that era? How were they played and why are most of the games not found in casinos today?</p> <p>Ante up and find out in this concise, compact book that takes you inside the frontier gambling saloons and gambling halls. Card games, dice games, and wheel games are vividly described with plenty of vintage photographs to illustrate how the games were played.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:550円
- レビュー件数:0件
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