Fat History Bodies and Beauty in the Modern West【電子書籍】[ Peter N. Stearns ]
<p>The modern struggle against fat cuts deeply and pervasively into American culture. Dieting, weight consciousness, and widespread hostility toward obesity form one of the fundamental themes of modern life.<br /> <strong>Fat History</strong> explores the meaning of fat in contemporary Western society and illustrates how progressive changes, such as growth in consumer culture, increasing equality for women, and the refocusing of women's sexual and maternal roles have influenced today's obsession with fat.<br /> Brought up-to-date with a new preface and filled with narrative anecdotes, <strong>Fat History</strong> explores fat's transformation from a symbol of health and well-being to a sign of moral, psychological, and physical disorder.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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スマホ ウエスト 関連ツイート
@Miesk_Ostwald スマホじゃできないかぁ
@inte_mikuri 2022/02/11 18:12
……最近はスマホ一台でなんでも可能。いい時代になった@SatiInugami 2022/02/11 18:12
スマホRPGは今これをやってるよ。今はこのイベントが開催中! → https://t.co/JgmZu7hv3D https://t.co/yuSrAzODAq
@kuroimatomato 2022/02/11 18:12